How Can Art Integration Enhance Student Learning?
- December 23, 2020
- Posted by: The Teachers Academy
- Category: Art Integration Educator Resources / News Online Courses

Integration has become an educational buzzword these days, especially with the popularity of STEM learning. In the context of education, integration is defined as an approach to teaching that involves two or more content areas. Most education professionals know that STEM integration is an essential part of every curriculum, but did you know that art integration can be just as beneficial?
A similar acronym you may have heard of recently is STEAM. Although STEAM places more emphasis on problem-solving than STEM, it’s basically STEM plus the arts. And teachers love it!
There’s a reason why art integration is so popular with teachers. Research dating back as far as 30 years repeatedly shows that art integration makes just about any curriculum more engaging for students as well as teachers.
Some teachers get nervous at the prospect of incorporating art into traditional curriculums, but most people have at least one art form that really resonates with them. This could be visual art, music, drama, or dance. You probably just picked one while reading this list! Are we right?
Art integration enhances student learning in the following ways:
Let’s dig in a little deeper into the reasons why art integration is so effective.
Improved Test Scores As a Result of Higher Student Engagement Levels
Studies show that art integration is effective in increasing math and reading test scores. According to the NAESP, Bobby Riley, a principal in Burlington, Vermont, and Debbie Broadnax, Principal of Powder Springs Elementary School in Powder Springs, Georgia, both reported significant increases in academic scores when art integration was implemented.
Improved Behavior Comes Along With Better Equity and a Sense of Community
It’s not just the grades that get better when art is integrated into a school’s curriculum! Principal Riley noted that student behavior also improved, resulting in fewer disciplinary referrals. Some of the anecdotes he brought up seemed to indicate that the improved behavior resulted from better communication between the students through art. The improvement was so broad that Riley started insisting that teachers use integrated learning on an everyday basis.
Good behavior and good grades are obviously closely intertwined benefits of art integration. If you’re interested in learning more about art integration, you’ve come to the right place. Our affordable course on Integrating the Arts in the Classroom is just one of the many course offerings that provide professional development units for teachers.
The Teacher’s Academy is an approved provider of professional development hours for teachers in several states. For example, you could use some of our classes to fulfill continuing education requirements in Texas, Pennsylvania, Georgia, and across the nation.
Teachers have a wide variety of courses to choose from. Complete each course at your own pace, and print your certificate at the end. It’s that simple.
Check out our course catalog today.