Celebrating Cultural Diversity


  • Basic computer file management skills.
  • Basic internet search and bookmarking skills.


  1. Computer
  2. Word Processing Software
  3. Internet Access
  4. Adobe Acrobat Reader 11.1.01 or later.

Professional Learning Objectives

  1. Watch a video on cultural diversity and respond to reflection questions with 100% accuracy.
  2. Create a puzzle pieces activity using information from the video with 100% completion.
  3. Respond to reflection questions about providing equitable education using the “Breaking Stereotypes” video and course text with 100% completion.
  4. Research and choose one immigration story to read fully and write a response with 100% completion using course text and the provided immigration website.
  5. Guess the names of immigrants matching their accomplishments and type the correct names of immigrants who created successful businesses in America into a provided template with 100% completion using the provided name bank.
  6. Respond to celebrating success reflection questions with 100% completion.
  7. Watch the “Tale of Two Teachers” video, use the provided video and course text, and respond to reflection questions with 100% completion.
  8. Complete the art integration activity with 100% completion using the provided artwork.
  9. Choose one culturally responsive teaching scenario (building rapport, designing culturally responsive classroom space, modeling culturally responsive behavior, designing a culturally responsive lesson, or reflecting on culturally responsive teaching practices) with 100% completion using strategies provided in the course text.
  10. Create a custom resource template to save culturally diverse resources of their choice with 100% completion using the provided Wakelet example and culturally diverse resource examples.

Common Core Standards

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