AI in Ed. (Artificial Intelligence in Education)


  • Basic computer file management (e.g., opening, saving, uploading files, creating folders).
  • Fundamental word processing abilities, including table usage.
  • Internet research skills, multi-taking between two or more tabs.


  1. Computer
  2. Internet
  3. Word Processing Software (MS Word, Word for Apple, ect.)
  4. Adobe Reader 11.1.01 or later to edit and save coursework.

Professional Learning Objectives

  • Effectively execute ChatGPT prompts using course curriculum guidelines with 100% completion.
  • Read and analyze three current event articles using the provided articles and course curriculum with 100% completion.
  • Complete the online AI detection quiz and analyze results using prompts in course curriculum with 100% completion.
  • Explore and practice AI tools curated in this course curriculum and analyze four sources with 100% completion.
  • Explore and analyze ChatGPT uses provided in the course curriculum with 100% completion.

Common Core Standards

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