Summer Book Recommendations
- July 17, 2024
- Posted by: The Teachers Academy
- Category: All Blog Postings Educator Resources / News Uncategorized
YUM!!! We are in the height of summer and it the perfect time for watermelon and our annual: Summer Book List!!
Hello teachers! Here is the list of all of the books we loved and highly recommend you take along to your picnics, pools or summer vacations. No boring books here – just lighthearted, positive fun and a few good tips that the seasoned teachers working here absolutely loved! Enjoy your summer!!
I Wish My Teacher Knew by Kyle Schwartz
Make it Stick by Peter C. Brow
Positive Mindset Habits for Teachers by Grace Stevens
Teaching in the Post-Covid Classroom by Grace Stevens (Loving her!)
The Classroom Management Secret by Michael Linsin
The Highly Effective Teacher by Jeff C Marshall
Why are we Still Doing That? By Persida and William Himmele
AI for Educators by Matt Miller
Dear New Teacher, Here’s Exactly What To Do by Dr. Lori Friesen
The Circle Point Method by Ari Magnusson
Brain Friendly Teacher by Yanina Jimenez
The Power of the Adolescent Brain by Thomas Armstrong
Morning Meetings and Closing Circles by Monica Dunbar
Everyday SEL in High School by Carla Tantillo Philibert
The Anxious Generation by Jonathan Haidt
The Teacher’s Academy provides a practical way for educators to maintain their professional licenses. Our courses are created by teachers for teachers. They are supported by the latest research, relevant and affordable. Teachers can customize many of the projects in our courses to meet the needs of their classroom and use the materials they create right away. Check out our course catalog for a listing of all courses. Our state page will offer licensing information. For additional inquires, contact us. Happy Reading!