Life Skills in My Language Arts Class!?…How about them Apples?
- September 9, 2014
- Posted by: The Teachers Academy
- Category: All Blog Postings Educator Resources / News Online Courses
Back to school in September means seeing your friends again, organizing your classroom and revamping the old curriculum for a fresh start.
The Teacher’s Academy would like to help teachers shake things up in their curriculum a bit this year. The financial aspects of our lives can be quite intimidating (or frankly, quite boring), which is why many people- teachers included- avoid the topic. Our course, “Integrating Financial and Future Planning” was written by teachers for teachers to integrate finance and life skills concepts into any classroom and curriculum with ease. The additional benefit of gaining financial knowledge for your own personal growth is priceless!
Here are a few highlights from the course:
1. Writing Objectives
Great writers develop writing skills by applying them in different aspects of life. Of course we write to inform, persuade, tell a story, communicate and document. Sooner or later, we all need to be able to write to present ourselves professionally. Integrating writing in the form of a resume, specifically resume objectives, helps with career readiness. Students walk away with a professional resume with which they can expand on throughout the length of their careers.
2. Prezi Presentation
Students of all ages can benefit from building their own presentation- without PowerPoint®. Students explore the Prezi platform to present entrepreneurial ideas and sell goods and services to their peers. This this isn’t your typical business unit from ten years ago. Your students learn about QR codes (quick response codes), Web Marketing, Social Media, Conventions, everything that can make or break a business created in this millennium. They look at what their skills and talents are right now and decide how they can apply those skills and talents into creating a successful business. (This is perfect for Family and Consumer Science teachers who want to modernize their curriculum too)! Start your own “Young Entrepreneurs” unit and watch your students turn into savvy business professionals and brag to all their friends about your amazing class! You learn how to easily put together a Prezi presentation to use in any subject for any audience!
3. Excel Spreadsheet Stock Portfolio
Start your students off with $100,000 of fake money to invest in a real company listed on the stock market. Guide your students into how to choose a successful company to invest in and watch their language expand as they apply the new terms they’ve learned in correct, real world context. Have them build an Excel spreadsheet that organizes and tracks their earnings throughout the school year. (This is a great opportunity for you to look at your own investments – early retirement anyone??)
We are super excited to bring the course, “Integrating Financial and Future Planning” to our teachers all across the US and hope they can make these concepts a regular part of their curriculum every year. We also hope you continue to use the resources found in the course for your own personal financial growth! Understanding the business world doesn’t have to be scary or boring, it can be as easy as pie (apple pie, of course)!!
For more information about taking “Integrating Financial and Future Planning” and the other online professional development courses we offer, please visit our All Courses page.
Hey and one more thing – the course is 20% off through September 2014 (now that’s a smart business decision).