Using Tables in Word


Basic computer file management knowledge, e.g. opening, saving and uploading files, creating folders


Microsoft Word: v. 2007, 2010, 2013 or, 2016

Professional Learning Objectives

Teachers will…
1. Plan and create classroom management tools such as a score card, grading rubric and lesson plan template using tables.
2. Explore the tools and skills in Microsoft Word® to create, edit and format tables.
3. Manipulate table settings such as merging and splitting cells, realigning text, and adjusting row and columns sizes.
4. Apply formatting skills such as changing background colors, adding/ removing borders and copying and pasting cells.

Common Core Standards

• CCSS: ELA-Literacy- Writing K-12
• CCSS: ELA- Literacy- RST Science and Technical Standards 6-8.9

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