Triggers: A PowerPoint Advanced Skill


Basic PowerPoint and File Management skills required


1. Microsoft® PowerPoint® 2007- 2016
2. Adobe Reader 11.1.01 or later required to edit and save coursework
You can download this software for free at

Professional Learning Objectives

Teachers will…
1. Use course text and guided instruction to provide written responses to questions regarding the use of PP Triggers in the classroom with 100% accuracy.
2. Use course text and guided instruction to plan and create an interactive presentation using triggers with 100% completion.
3. Use course text and guided instruction to design and create an integrated PP Triggers lesson plan with 100% completion.

Common Core Standards

• CCSS.ELA 1.2.C 6-8- Key Ideas and Detail Analysis
• CCSS.ELA 1.2.D 6-8- Point of View
• CCSS.ELA 1.3.A 6-8- Theme
• CCSS.ELA. 4.6- Writing for Different Audiences

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