The Library of Congress for Teachers


Basic computer file management knowledge, e.g. opening, saving and uploading files, creating folders, copy/paste skill, basic Internet searching skills, bookmarking sites (adding favorites)


1. Computer
2. Word Processing Software
3. Internet Access
4. Adobe Reader 11.1.01 or later required to edit and save coursework
You can download this software for free at
Note: The Library of Congress often updates the web pages used in this course. It is possible that a web page will not be available for 24-48 hours while they make the updates.

Professional Learning Objectives

Teachers will…
1. Using course text and the LOC website, teachers will click on a variety of links to webpages and describe the sources with 100% accuracy.
2. Using the course text and LOC website, teachers will choose a webpage/resource found through the Seek and Find activity, and complete analysis questions with 100% completion.
3. Using course text and the LOC website, teachers will organize practical resources such as Collections, Lesson Plans, Presentations and Activities, and more found in the library by completing the Educator Resource Grid with 100% completion
4. Using course text and the LOC website, teachers will apply knowledge of available materials to create activities that coincide with learning goals and state standards with 100% completion.
5. Use the course text and Library of Congress website to devise a lesson plan that features at least one primary source from the Library of Congress Primary Source Collections in the Library with 100% completion.

Common Core Standards

• CCSS: ELA-Literacy- Writing K-12
• CCSS: ELA- Literacy- Reading Literature K-12
• CCSS: ELA- Literacy- Reading Informational Text K-12
• CCSS: ELA- Literacy- Reading Foundational Skills K-12
• CCSS: ELA- Literacy- Speaking and Listening K-12

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