The Library of Congress for Teachers


  • Basic computer file management skills, such as opening, saving, and uploading documents, creating folders, and using a word processor.  
  • Basic Internet searching abilities, and experience with bookmarking websites (adding favorites). 


  • Internet Access  
  • Word Processing Software (Microsoft Word, Google Docs, etc.) 
  • Adobe Acrobat Reader 11.1.01 or later. 

Note: The Library of Congress website is frequently updated, and some pages may be temporarily unavailable during updates (24-48 hours). 

Professional Learning Objectives

  • Navigate and Describe LOC Resources: Use the LOC website to click through and describe various resources with 100% accuracy. 
  • Analyze LOC Content: Choose a resource discovered in the Seek and Find activity and complete an analysis with 100% completion. 
  • Organize Educational Materials: Complete the Educator Resource Grid, organizing collections, lesson plans, and activities from the LOC with 100% completion. 
  • Create Standards-Aligned Activities: Design educational activities using LOC materials that align with learning goals and state standards, achieving 100% completion. 
  • Develop a Primary Source Lesson Plan: Utilize at least one primary source from the LOC to create a lesson plan that meets academic objectives, with 100% completion. 

Common Core Standards

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