Supporting the Inclusion Classroom


Basic computer file management knowledge, e.g. opening, saving, and uploading files, etc.


  1. Computer
  2. Internet Access
  3. Word Processing Software
  4. Adobe Acrobat Reader 11.1.01 or later.

Professional Learning Objectives

  • Engage with Inclusion Insights: Utilize course materials and online resources to assess and reflect on the impactful inclusion video, “Ian,” achieving comprehensive understanding.
  • Analyze Inclusive Teaching: Examine two instructional videos via course content and the web, analyzing the effectiveness of inclusive teaching strategies for diverse classrooms.
  • Discover Inclusive Activities: Explore and evaluate a selection of 10 inclusive activities found online, focusing on the practical application of three chosen strategies for classroom enhancement.
  • Create Tailored Classroom Activities: Draw inspiration from course examples to design and implement an original inclusive activity, fostering an engaging and supportive learning environment.

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Where teachers go to learn. 215-660-4926