Microsoft PowerPoint For Educators


Basic computer file management knowledge, e.g. opening, saving and uploading files, creating folders; Basic Internet Research; Bookmarking Websites


1. Microsoft® PowerPoint®  2016 or later

*Note: This course is written for the latest version of PowerPoint. Updates between versions are similar, but if you require a course written to a previous edition of PowerPoint,  please contact the Teacher’s Academy.

2. Adobe Reader 11.1.01 or later required to edit and save coursework
You can download this software for free at

Professional Learning Objectives

Teachers will…
1. Use course text and guided instruction to create a Linear PowerPoint presentation to use in class with 100% completion.
2. Use course text and guided instruction to create a Menu Driven PowerPoint presentation to use in class with 100% completion.
3. Use course text and guided instruction to create a student-led interactive presentation using the advanced PowerPoint skill, triggers to engage student interest and improve their study habits with 100% completion.
4. Use course text and guided instruction to provide a written response to questions regarding effective application of Excel tools and how Excel can enrich the learning experience for students with 100% completion.

Common Core Standards

• CCSS ELA 1.2.C 6-8- Key Ideas and Detail Analysis
• CCSS ELA 1.2.D 6-8- Point of View
• CCSS ELA1.3.A 6-8- Theme
• CCSS ELA 1.4.6- Writing for different audiences
• CCSS RST- Integration of Knowledge and Ideas

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