Unleashing Minds: Critical Thinking and Literacy Strategies
Critical thinking and literacy strategies offer teachers a variety of activity ideas and resources for implementing effective reading instruction year after year.
Let’s be honest, teachers simply do not have time to research, then implement the latest fad in reading instruction, especially if it is going to be phased out within a year or so. This course sheds light on best practices and proven (in the classroom) strategies for teachers to use, to help students achieve or exceed grade level benchmarks.
Teachers will be provided with the latest research on how using interest-based content helps students to think critically. They will experience how their own brains process complex information, watch the implementation of critical thinking strategies in a classroom setting and learn how to increase critical thinking experiences for students in their classrooms. The focus will then shift to the practical reading strategies that help improve comprehension skills during various stages of reading. Finally, teachers will learn specific decoding strategies for accommodating students with dyslexia and effective organizational tools to make managing the activities a breeze.
Enjoy the variety of strategies offered in this course as well as choosing the ones that will work best for meeting your students’ needs.
Projects To Be Completed
Video Analysis- Inspiring Students of the Future
Critical Thinking Activity and Reflection
Pre-Reading Strategies: Word Splash, Anticipation Guide
During Reading Choice Activity: Talk to the Text, Insert Notes, Reciprocal Teaching
After Reading Activities: Closed/Open Ended Questions, RAFT, Text Reformulation