Blended Learning


  • Basic computer file management skills.
  • Basic Word Processing Skills


  1. Computer
  2. Word Processing Software
  3. Internet Access
  4. Adobe Acrobat Reader 11.1.01 or later.

Disclaimer: Some videos and music clips in this course are provided by the free video viewer, Some videos contain advertisements that The Teacher’s Academy does not sponsor or support. Skip ads when applicable.

Professional Learning Objectives

  • Provide a written reaction to different viewpoints on blended learning with 100% completion.
  • Complete the Blended Schools Assessment based on success stories with 100% accuracy.
  • Discuss key terms and strategies related to blended learning with 100% completion.
  • Explain how blended learning supports Common Core Standards.
  • Analyze and compare models of blended learning with 100% accuracy.
  • Analyze online blended programs with written analysis.
  • Create a blended learning lesson with 100% completion.

Common Core Standards

  • CCSS: ELA-Literacy
    • Writing K-12
    • Reading Informational Text K-12
    • Listening K-12

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